Punta Pitt and Kicker Rock

We are now in the southern realm of Galápagos. We are on San Cristobal Island, where the political capital of Galápagos is located. Our day began with a coastal exploration on board our Zodiacs; we looked for red-footed boobies and frigates on the cliffs along the coast of Punta Pitt. Then we landed on a green sandy beach and from there we walked along an old creek; as we started to climb up and along the path we found San Cristobal mockingbirds, San Cristobal lava lizards, and several species of finches.

At the end of the trail we found a few red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, and marine iguanas. Along with the wildlife, one of the most attractive aspects of Punta Pitt is the amazing and colorful landscape. The very steep walls are yellow and the ground is covered with bright red vegetation which looks like a living carpet. After our walk we went to the beach to relax and enjoy a refreshing swim.

Later this afternoon we went snorkeling along the coast of Kicker Rock, also known as Leon Dormido; there we found green sea turtles, Galápagos sharks and many varieties of fish. As we returned aboard we sailed around this rock and observed from our ship. We had a great sunset and headed towards Puerto Baquerizo, where we dropped anchor. After dinner some of our guests went ashore to explore this small but very nice town.