Floreana Island

Floreana Island is one of the most fascinating Islands to visit on Galápagos, not only because of the endemism of species there, but because of the captivating human history it embraces.

In the morning, we went to Cormorant Point, where we were astonished by the green beach and the coralline beach flora and fauna. At the coralline beach, we found sea turtles mating off shore, which utterly made our day as this event shows how Galápagos is a demonstration of vibrant life. After this visit, the deep water snorkeling was the perfect moment to enjoy while playing around with baby sea lions.

After lunch I got the chance to spend time with our young explorers, where we drew and wrote postcards to deliver later on at the Post Office Bay barrel. There I explained about the English whale hunts in 1792, with Captain James Colnett onboard the HMS Rattler. Later in 1812, Captain Porter on the Essex of the American Navy displaced them.

Just before the afternoon visit we had a chance to see a BBC video about the Galápagos that proved once again why Darwin changed the world’s view in science and in further worldwide perceptions. The Galápagos are different from island to island and each of them are in a state of constant change.

Floreana is definitely a magical combination of history, evolution and other wonders.