Santa Cruz Island and El Eden

In the morning we saw a flamingo stretching its legs at Cerro Dragon, together with another four of its kind. We do not often find them here, and they were enjoying the pinkish water, which is probably rich in shrimp. And it was a walk for the record books, because we were able to find 11 land iguanas along the trail, together with many finches hard at work, as this is their breeding season.

The snorkeling at Guy Fawkes Islet was spectacular. People did not want to leave the water, with its temperature of 80 F and amazing visibility. But we eventually had to come back on board to depart for our afternoon destination, El Eden.

Kayakers explored the shore by paddling themselves, while others were in the Zodiac, enjoying the company of our naturalists, who shared their knowledge about mangroves, boobies and tuff cones, our sightings along the way. Younger explorers had their own boat, and not only did they see it all and learn about the species here, but were taught how to drive the Zodiacs, and are now in the process of getting their Zodiac driving certificates from our captain, which kids always love!

It was a day enjoyed to the fullest!