San Cristobal Island

Our last full day of our expedition around the magical Galápagos archiepelago started with an invigorating hike to the summit of a volcanic plateau at Punta Pitt.

The first part of the hike to the plateau is streneous for we have to climb up an old eroded ridge, but once you arrived to the top and enjoy the extraordinary view you have there, you realize that every single step was worth the effort. Further along the trail it is posiible to admire a surreal volcanic moonscape with large patches of bright red Sesuvium and green patches of Nolana galapagensis, succulent plants, and several patches of the gray mat plant, Tiquilia, creating together with the golden yellow of the surroundings a colorful and impressive mosaic that ist is hard to describe with words.

Located on the northernmost side of San Cristobal Island, Punta Pitt is one of the few visitors’ sites in Galápagos where you can see, with a lot of luck, all three species of boobies nesting together as well.

We had the option to go for Zodiac rides instead of the hike as well. Many seabirds were seen together with Galápagos sea lions on the volcanic rocky outcrops of the coastline and surrounding islets.

After the hike or the Zodiac ride we had the option to take a refreshing dip in the waters of the Pacific Ocean or just to spend time on the beach relaxing or sunbathing.

After this succesful morning, and during lunch, we sailed towards “Leon Dormido” or “Kicker Rock.” This magnificent offshore eroded volcanic tuff cone is located on the western coast of San Cristobal Island, and it is one the most-well known trademarks of Galápagos.

We had a couple of activities, a big group of snorkel enthusiasts jumped in the water at the base of the huge cliffs of Kicker Rock to be part of a spectacular snorkeling outing among many colorful schools of fish, dozens of sea turtles, and occasional curious sharks that added a rush adrenaline to their observers.

Once the snorkelers came back on board, we enjoyed a beautiful sunny afternoon with drinks on the foredeck of the ship while circumnavigating Kicker Rock. At dinnertime we arrived to our final anchorage in front of the town of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, capital of the Galápagos Islands, which are part of the Republic of Ecuador.

The expedition around our magical archipelago has ended, but hopefully all the passion and love that it evokes in our vistors this week will be part of their lives forever.