Santa Cruz Island

Today we had the opportunity to see some of the representative creatures of the Galápagos Islands: the giant land tortoises. In the morning we visited the town of Puerto Ayora, which is a multicultural place where many people arrived – none intentionally – a hundred years ago, most of them in search of a new life. Some more pioneers were attracted by them. During that time period none of the colonizers had the luxury of potable water and electricity. Half of our population now lives on this second- largest island of the archipelago, approximately 15,000 people.

This morning we witnessed the conservation projects of the Galápagos National Park; in particular, the tortoise restoration programs. We also learned about the efforts to preserve the endemic flora from introduced invasive species.

We met giant tortoise Lonesome George, who is unique; there are no others like him since many of his kind were removed from their habitat.

Some of our guests also walked around the town, appreciating the beauty and the different architecture styles mixed with lots of colors. Late in the morning we gathered at a meeting point where the buses waited to take us to the restaurant, Altair, with beautiful gardens and lush vegetation. Our lunch was great, and we especially enjoyed the shade and hospitality.

Next we visited a local farm, where the giant tortoises roam freely in their natural habitat. A few were observed in the shade and some in the small lagoon.