Punta Cormorant, Champion Islet and Post Office Bay

We started our day with a pre-breakfast outing to Punta Cormorant, located on the northwestern side of Floreana Island, also known as Santa Maria or Charles. We walked over a cindery terrain where we learned about the endemic plants of the archipelago. We found the greater flamingos, considered today as a Galápagos subspecies, feeding in the brackish water lagoon in which the artemia salima makes up most of the nutrients in their diet; this microscopic crustacean is high in carotene and responsible for giving the flamingoes their beautiful pink coloration. The stunning coloration of the birds contrasted with the very dry forest that covers the hills of the parasitic cones that dominate the island scenery.

Exploration continued later today at Champion Islet, just offshore of Floreana; first the Zodiac ride along the islet to look for the Floreana mockingbird – we found five or six of them, not only hopping on the ground but also doing their courtship flight. This small volcanic cone is one of the two places where we can still observe them.

Snorkeling and glass-bottom boating were wonderful opportunities too. Even though the conditions were a bit active today, the water was clear and we had a wonderful experience observing many colorful fish and the playful Galápagos sea lions that did not want to get away from the glass of the glass-bottom boat and, of course, from our younger explorers. Somehow young sea lions will always prefer to play with kids.

In the afternoon we visited Post Office Bay; the barrel first appeared in this place back in the 1700s during the whaling times, when mail was left on the island and was the only way for sailors to communicate with their loved ones. Today we have managed to keep this old tradition alive by leaving and taking postcards that will eventually reach their final destination by being hand-delivered. Kayakers had a peaceful afternoon along the coast of Floreana, where our guests where greatly surprised by a sea lion that decided to keep them company and take a kayak ride.

Later today, as we approached sunset, the kids had an opportunity to let their energy out by playing soccer at the beach. What a beautiful, energetic way to end our second day of exploration around this enchanted archipelago…