San Cristobal Island

San Cristobal is one of the oldest islands of the Galapagos group. Places like Punta Pitt, made of volcanic ash, are quite common. These magnificent formations have formed in one volcanic event, the meeting of the hot boiling lava with the cold temperatures of the ocean produce steam that eventually compacts up, making layers and layers of material that give shape to this volcanic formations. Eventually the layers will erode and make the sand of the nearby beaches.

The little beach we visited at Punta Pitt this morning transported us to a surreal enchanted kingdom; the glittered sparkles of crystals seemed to be the work of a fairy that had flown around this morning, the incredibly soft green sand is the result of eroded particles of the hardest crystals and minerals that make a lava flow.

At the end of the trail, a small colony of Red footed boobies surprised us, birds facing the ocean breeze were flying around the beautiful Sesuvium, that due to the lack of rain has turned red, which means the plant is slowing down the photosynthesis process to be able to save energy needed in harder times. The scenery today was just astonishing, the turquoise color of the ocean contrasted beautifully with the red vegetation on top of the basaltic lava flow.

As we got into the water around Leon Dormido in the afternoon, a school of Galapagos Sharks swam around us during the very last snorkel of the week; Sea Turtles, Sea Lions, and different species reef fish kept us busy looking around these spectacular lava formation that has become San Cristobal’s signature.

What a week we have had on board the National Geographic Endeavour cruising around Colon’s enchanted archipelago; we go home understanding why we, humans, need to protect this place the way it is… one of the last paradises on earth.