Punta Pitt, San Cristobal Island

We navigated last night from Santa Cruz Island to San Cristobal Island and arrived to Punta Pitt early in the morning. As we dropped anchor, we headed to the shore and climbed an old creek and then to the eroded top of a cinder cone. Our reward was to find red footed boobies nesting on the bushes; some of these birds were starting to nest while others already had some young chicks.

We also looked for the San Cristobal mockingbird and found a couple flying around some plants trying to find food. For those who did not want to hike, the alternate option was a great Zodiac ride along the coast of Punta Pitt where we found different types of sea birds such as swallow tailed gulls, lava gulls, Nazca boobies, great frigate birds, etc. Sometimes we were followed by some sea lions that curiously tried to inspect us and our Zodiac. Everyone ended their activities on a green sandy beach where two juvenile sea lions entertained us all morning with their playful attitude.

After a very exciting morning we navigated towards Leon Dormido islet where we went snorkeling. It was a great adventure, as not so far there were two whales; one was a humpback whale and the other was a pilot whale. This has been the week of the cetaceans; never before we had such an abundant amount and variety of whales and dolphins around these waters.

We ended our day circumnavigating Leon Dormido Islet with great views of this magnificent rock formation as well as the birds that live on it.