Floreana Island

As we approached the coastline we saw several times the heads of marine turtles popping up, while they were trying to breathe. The landing was nice and calm, and right after this we began walking to the white sandy beach that is well known for the turtles that are mating in the water. A little sunshine sneaked through the clouds, giving good lighting conditions for photography.

After a short and easy walk we reached the white sandy beach that, after some of us took our shoes off, had the finest sand I have ever walked on. A turtle track showed the path one female followed the night before, and at the end of it we could see the nest. Suddenly a yellow crowned night heron that was motionless close to a turtle nest began walking toward us, passed in front of us, and walked toward a rocky area where several Sally Lightfoot crabs crawled. The crabs were not going to give up so easily and started to move faster, but the heron began to stalk them. It was not a lucky morning for the heron as those crabs just moved away from danger and possible death.

Offshore several turtles were mating, but one pair was almost on the shore and out of the water, the waves breaking behind them. Although turtles are known to mate off of this beach, having a couple of them almost out of the water is very unusual. The photographers in our group were almost close to being in a “shoot-out frenzy,” including myself.

After returning to the same beach where we disembarked it was time to get back onboard and have breakfast. Snorkeling followed breakfast and after finishing it everyone commented that several young sea lions playing around them made it another morning in paradise.

During the afternoon it was time to see the famous barrel at Post Office Bay, probably one of the oldest mail services in this part of the world. Before the visit we all took a Zodiac ride along the coastline and enjoyed the unique landscape of this island, alongside with our first encounter with a Galápagos penguin that was sitting on a rock. Today we can still deposit a letter or postcard and get it home delivered to a destination we decide, depending of course on if someone during the next days, months or sometimes years is going there and is willing to take it and hand deliver it. One of the best postcards I have ever read was short and direct: “Mom, send money, please.” I just hope it got to its destination on time.

After that visit it was time enjoy the beach and take pictures of two very young and naïve brown pelicans that were trying to fish some pebbles carried by the waves. Some decided to simply relax and rest on the beach. After returning back onboard we started navigating to our next destination for another day of adventures.