San Cristobal


The easternmost island of the Galápagos, San Cristobal is the closest to mainland Ecuador and another good place for adventures.


Several options are set for the day. One is to hike to an elevation of 320 feet to view extraordinary geology formations that appear otherworldly. The trail goes up a path carved by the action of running rainwater over thousands of years. It is like going up the stream. Beautiful scenery and wildlife await. Several species seen here are unique to the island. One attractive subject is the red-footed booby, which nests here.


By Zodiac craft, we visit a small satellite island that is home to a combination of different species of sea birds. Here frigates, boobies, sea gulls, pelicans and also sea lions and marine iguanas all hang out together.


After the hike and Zodiac ride, we go to a brown sugar beach where sea lions rest. Some people go for a dip in the water, which is nice and warm this season. The setting is a phenomenal combination of beauty and wildlife. Just the landscape is worth a visit.


After some navigation, we reach the islet of Kicker Rock, which is well-known for the presence of different species of sharks. It was amazing to swim with these majestic creatures that have ruled the oceans for millions of years. Just as fantastic was the multitude of fish and turtles.


Following this adventure, we got back on board on our ship so the captain can move us a little closer to the island to appreciate the wonderful formation that time has shaped into a sleeping lion, as it is known in Spanish.


Another memorable day in the Galápagos.