At Sea/Falklands Bound – The South Atlantic Ocean

Last night we left the protection of the Beagle Channel and headed east toward the Falkland Islands. As usual the wind picked up a bit and by this morning we were definitely in the South Atlantic pushed along by the wind and making good speed for the westernmost islands. Our first gathering (for those of us who had our sea legs and were up and about the ship!) was an introduction by Lisa to the expedition team. Brent then gave a natural history presentation on some of the birds we were seeing in the open ocean. Already we were among the black-browed albatross, giant petrels and black and white pintado (or cape) petrels. We then donned our parkas and binoculars, gathering out on the aft deck to watch these seabirds wheel about the stern riding on our updraft, perhaps hoping we might stir up some food or maybe thinking we were a fishing vessel.

After lunch Rikki and the rest of the photo team gave us some pointers on how to work our new-fangled digital cameras. Kevin then gave us a presentation on the sights we might expect to see in the Falkland Islands. By dinner the seas had calmed a bit and the sunset was absolutely stunning. Layers of blues and oranges reflected in a calming sea as we sailed onward for our adventures tomorrow.