Floreana Island

Floreana is one of the oldest and most interesting places in human and natural history in the Galapagos Islands. Many people arrived here during the 17th century with clear intentions of whaling, as the precious spermaceti oil and its demands in other countries forced whaling fleets to follow these cetaceans far into the Pacific. The Eden gardens were a known area 4000 miles away where sperm whales came every year to reproduce. The old vessel HMS Cormorant was responsible for the visitor’s site name.

We landed around 6:30 in the morning on the soft green colored beach. We walked a short distance but there was much was to appreciate close to the flamingo’s lagoon. Only one was there this morning; they normally travel between the islands every day. At the end of the beach across Punta Cormorant many green sea turtles spent the night laying eggs, and some others were still reproducing. What seems to be strange are the climate conditions in the archipelago, it is hot but there is no rain yet arriving. This is remarkable because snorkeling areas like Champion Islet today were full of wildlife and clear visibility conditions.

The Post Office Bay was the last place we saw today. Our guests enjoyed the fact that we picked some messages from other persons to deliver them in a personal way just like our ancestors did over 200 years ago. The difference is that this one won’t take over 15 years to be delivered to the owners.