At Sea

Our expedition across the Atlantic from South America to Africa has been epic. In both scale and in experience. Leaving Ushuaia, Argentina and heading east we have seen what the Falklands, South Georgia, and the Tristan da Cunha archipelagos have to offer. Our wildlife and the cultural experiences have been rewarding and memorable. Our days at sea have been filled with entertaining and educational presentations by our natural and cultural history staff. We are all better writers and photographers after attending workshops from our National Geographic team and photo instructors.

As for our last full day on the voyage, it has been memorable as well for Mother Nature would not let the National Geographic Explorer get to Africa without a test. The wind picked up last night and has built the sea into a healthy state with waves, spray, and watery obstacles for our great ship to make her way through. The saying in the cruise ship industry is that you follow the sun to escape the heat. We are heading east in order to go north and follow the suns journey into the northern hemisphere. We will do this along the coast of Africa on another epic journey. It will be very different than this expedition has been for the places we have visited in the South Atlantic are unique. John Steinbeck once wrote, “You don’t take a trip, a trip takes you.” A very wise statement.