At Sea

This morning we knew the dream was almost over—we passed Cape Horn and returned to South America. Sometimes it is like a dream, these voyages, when so much happens every day. Now it is time to wake up, but not quite yet, not completely. Yes, there are photos to be sorted and submitted for the slideshow. There are still talks to be heard. Oh, and bags to be packed… maybe tonight. And there is always the gorgeous scenery!

Outside it is warmer and there are trees, something almost forgotten. There is less snow on the mountaintops than when we left here just a week and a half ago. Not too surprising, it is the middle of summer. Now it is time to remember, to try to keep these memories forever, more than just the pictures.

Christmas time in Antarctica, how cool is that? Not just the day, the whole holiday, day after day. And not just with other people, there were whales and seals, penguins and other amazing creatures, even icebergs! On our last dive, Dino, the Chief Electrician, spread holiday cheer beneath the sea at Port Lockroy! No, the background color in the picture is not a mistake, the ocean is green. The algal bloom is in full swing. It is a party down there. Life is renewed and goes on, as it has before. It is the memories that remain, so we reflect on them today, to keep them for tomorrow, just beneath the surface, close enough to touch.