Drake Passage

The anticipation has been building for days, weeks, months, or even years. We are on our way to Antarctica! For many of us, it has been a lifelong dream. But first, we have to encounter this beast known as the Drake Passage. With much excitement, we boarded the ship last night and sailed down the Beagle Channel, enjoying the calm seas in the protected waters. Soon, however, we would be leaving the sight of land, and for nearly 36 hours, or possibly more, we would be exposed to whatever the Southern Ocean had in store for us.

Sometime in the night, the ship began to gently roll. A favorable wind direction and a sturdy ship with stabilizers made for a relatively calm day. As the day progressed, the wind dropped, the seas calmed, and many of us got our sea legs. Our first day was spent learning about seabirds, photography, and enjoying the Southern Ocean.

As we approached the Antarctic convergence, a bank of fog signaled the gradual change from the warmer air and sea towards the colder world that will become our home. A wandering albatross followed the ship for awhile, amazing us with its gigantic wingspan. Some of us searched for other birds, while many just relaxed and watched the sea.
The excitement level grew throughout the day, and as we discussed tomorrow’s plans, we were thrilled to learn we might be within sight of land around breakfast time tomorrow.

The anticipation grows!