Nordfjord, the Arctic Circle and cruising south

Spectacular is the only way to describe our early morning entrance into Nordfjord! Mirror-like conditions, dramatic scenery and warm temperatures, as we sailed toward our destination at the far end of this beautiful waterway. We arrive just as breakfast is starting, and to the amazement of everyone, the Captain has brought us in so close that we are literally looking down on the shore from the bow! There are breathtaking waterfalls, mountains and glaciers spread out all around the ship in every direction.

We are just inside one of Norway’s national parks called Svartisen. This is a very isolated area that not many people get to visit. There are no trails to follow, or facilities, in this wild and remote park.

Right after breakfast our activities get started, first the long hikers head to shore, then the medium hikers. Both hikes are bushwhacking through a birch forest, over rocks and through water, because of the lack of trails. The long hike also follows a small river that is fed by the glacial streams coming down the mountains. Our route takes us through an open area where we encounter a large “ice cave” that has melted beneath a snow field left from last winter. We all take delight, and a lot of pictures, in this unique refrigerated tunnel. Scrambling over rocks, around trees and through small streams we finally reach an open area with a commanding view of the whole area. It was a lot of work, but the reward was well worth it!

The other hikes end up climbing onto a talus slope with a marvelous close-up view of a number of different waterfalls. On a clear day like today, it’s easy to linger and get lost in stunning scenery.

While all this is going on, kayakers take to their boats from the side of the National Geographic Explorer. Fanning out in all directions, the guests explore the coast line on both sides of the fjord from their little boats.

For those that want a little less physical exploration, the zodiacs head out to cover the same area of coastline, waterfalls and sheer rock walls. Either way of traveling is equally enjoyable on a perfect morning like this!

By just after noon everyone is back on board, and the Explorer turns to start heading back down Nordfjord. So we’re underway for an afternoon of cruising farther south along the beautiful Norwegian coast. Just after lunch the announcement comes that we are about to cross the Arctic Circle, and the guests rally to enjoy the experience, and maybe see one of the beautiful markers for the Circle that have been in the vicinity.

The rest of the day we continue south toward our destination for tomorrow morning. What a special day!