Urbina Bay & Punta Moreno

What a change! Today from the very moment the sun raised, we have been feeling its warmth which at some point made us feel very hot. With the company of several land iguanas and a couple of tortoises, we wandered along the trail of the corals. Is possible to imagine how this place was at the moment the event took place in 1954. Three miles along the coast were uplifted within a week exposing zillion of marine life. Nowadays all is cover with the local vegetation of the dry forest.

The finches were also abundant and helped us with their company, to have a more pleasant and interesting visit. The rhythmical intonation of the mockingbirds and the rushing sound of the breeze passing through the leaves and branches of the highest trees

As soon as we finished the hike along the uplifted area on this western location on Isabela Island; we took a pleasant dip in the unusually tepid water. The ocean was calm and no strong wind was ever felt during the morning.

Lots of sea birds are around, flying over the small oasis that here and there break the continuity and at to some extend the monotony of the immense lava field of Punta Moreno. Frigates are taking advantage and every time they hit the surface they are rinsing the excess of salt they may have on their feathers. The small lagoon is surrounded by poison apple trees and thorn bushes and in the water along the rim grows an endemic specie of sedge, that makes the always visiting flamingos shine with their intense pink color.

The lava field seems to go forever around but after an hour or so, we get to feel the refreshing breeze of the ocean. We feel alleviated also by the imposing presence of the ocean that all of the sudden appear behind the mangrove forest. The Zodiac is coming to pick us up, and we will soon go back to the ship, but we will first pay a short visit to those penguins that are already resting on the rocky shores.

More to come tomorrow…