Punta Vicente Roca & Fernandina Island

As usual when we are sailing within these latitudes, we began our day with the early risers topside in a massive whale searching contest that, in spite of its intensity, didn’t pay good profits today. We were not discouraged however for we hoped that sooner or later our luck would change.

And it didn’t take us long. During our Zodiac expedition we observed that our snorkeling area was under the effect of huge waves, so we decided that today the conditions were not good for underwater exploration. Instead we prolonged the panga ride and, boy what a deal that was!

We were surrounded by a great number of sea turtles when, from literally nowhere, a red-footed booby appeared and circled over our Zodiac a couple of times. It was a moment of realization, to be inspected by a sea bird. Then, we saw it. Hold on boy! Slow down baby, who are you? Jeez, whatever it is, it’s coming straight towards us. Ah, a pacific sun fish! No, wait a minute there are two of the huge fish alongside our Zodiac. We radioed the other Zodiacs and everybody got a look at the strange Mola molas.

Not far away a flock of penguins were engaged in some fast fishing; they disappeared under the water and then popped up again several meters away. Nazca and blue-footed boobies left the cliffs and flew to the open ocean. It is not even noon yet and we were ecstatic for what we have seen so far. We’ve had perfect weather conditions again – some cloud cover and near the end of our excursion cooling drizzle. And the afternoon’s outing is still to come, wow!

Punta Espinosa on the Island of Fernandina was as outstanding as everything else we have done this week. Upon arrival to our anchoring site, we witnessed thousand of tunas devouring bait fish near the ship. Later, on the trail, we enjoyed the spectacular natural vistas: the flightless cormorants and the marine iguanas are both nesting, each of them in their own manner and place. We could easily understand the intentions of a couple of hawks that were flying over the nesting site of the iguanas.

When we thought nothing else could be added to our wonderful experience, a huge gray cloud blew over and dropped some pleasant, brief and cool rain upon us. The brilliant double rainbow that was produced by the interaction of rain and sun and was a flash of color in the sky was an outstanding finale to our fabulous day.