Isabela & Fernandina Islands

This morning we navigated along the north shore lines of Isabela Island, with the impressive views of those perfect shield volcanoes.

Later in the morning we had a Zodiac ride off an enormous shield volcano known as Ecuador volcano. What we observed was only a cross section because the rest had collapsed into the sea. During the ride we observed a large array of animal species that included green sea turtles, blue-footed boobies, flightless cormorants, Galápagos penguins, sea lions and marine iguanas. Not far from the ship, we encounter one of the giants of the Oceans, the sun fish! We all watched this odd-looking fish and one of our guests got a very nice picture of it by simply sticking their underwater camera beneath the surface.

During lunch time our captain Carlos Garcia repositioned the ship toward the youngest island in the archipelago, Fernandina. Young, black lava flows are observed everywhere you look. The fauna that inhabits this island is also very special; huge piles of marine iguana basking on the sun constitute one of the major attractions here and flightless cormorants nesting on the shore lines, as well. What a fantastic day we spent in these paradisiacal islands. It has been a day filled with new sightings and discoveries that for sure created indelible memories for our guests.