Isabela & Fernandina Island

Today we have reached the Northwesternmost realm of the Galápagos archipelago, some people call it "volcano avenue"; indeed this is what stands out in the landscape, all of the perfect shield volcanoes of Isabela island.

In the same area, one can easily encounter a good number of sea bird species unique to the islands, such as the Galápagos shearwater and the dark rump petrel. But our sightings weren’t only sea birds – we got also a good look at a sperm whale!

After a delicious breakfast, we were advised that old King Neptune was visiting the ship and he had requested the sacrifice of anybody who had not yet crossed the equator. As expected, our young guests were the sacrificial lambs, as King Neptune baptized them officially.

After the ceremony we dropped anchor at Punta Vicente Roca; our Zodiacs were launched and all went for a spectacular panga ride full of sightings of animals and diverse scenery. We encountered the famous Galápagos penguins, flightless cormorants, sea lion feasting on fish and many sea turtles here and there.

It has definitely been another full day in this beautiful part of the world.