Urbina Bay & Punta Moreno

From the ship, way into open waters at the Bolivar Channel it was possible to see the mist along the coastline, which suggested the waves were rather big. However later on, while landing at Urbina Bay we realized the waves were not big at all making for an easy landing. The sea turtles have continued being very active on this side of the archipelago for we found several fresh turtle nests on the upper part of the landing beach.

After some preparations we were ready to begin our exploration, so we went. Big marine iguanas were there and they really caused admiration among us. Later on, the land iguanas that appeared on the trail were not lesser than their marine cousins in either beauty or in size. However the most significant moment of our visit was to find a very young tortoise along the trail. Her small and beautiful frame reminded us of how healthy their kin is on this volcano. After the hike a short but refreshing dip at the beach was very welcome.

While positioning to our next destination, a lava gull took a free ride all the way until we reached Pta. Moreno on the southwestern side of Isabela Island. The afternoon came with great expectations for all of us. The experience of walking on such a magnificent lava field is difficult to explain.

Over the last months we have had some rain, even on this deserted place, many plants have prospered and they appear growing into every available crack on the lava. All these plants are known as pioneers. Some of these plants are just regular tenants on other islands, but here in such a hostile environment what could be insignificant elsewhere is of extreme importance here, for these plants work out the preparation of the ground for colonizers (other plants that are not that strong) to come after.

While the days passed by, all of us have started to understand that we haven’t chosen the Galápagos as destination for visiting or for living, but the Galápagos has chosen us in order to show us our place and how we could be better every day.