Isabela & Fernandina Islands

We have reached the westernmost islands, and this morning we all enjoyed the smooth navigation off the northern shoreline of Isabela.

Later on it was announced that we were about to cross the equator line so our guests came to the GPS display in the bridge, and watched it turn to "0". By then it was time to prepare ourselves for a visit to Punta Vicente Roca, the “lower lip of the sea horse”, as Isabela Island resembles a sea horse. The Zodiacs were lowered and set off to explore the ocean realm. We went into a cave, marine turtles popping their heads out now and again. The snorkelers had a fantastic time, as the East Pacific green marine turtles, flightless cormorants were seen as well many species of tropical fishes.

The afternoon took us onto the island of Fernandina where the large marine iguanas were in big piles. The flightless cormorants resting on the lava rocks and Sally Lightfoot crabs in great numbers all along these jagged shore of Punta Espinoza.

We are traveling in a world where humans have still little impact. Fernandina lives as she has for thousands of years. We are privileged to have seen this for a few short hours; a reminder that humans, here at least, are not the center of the universe.