Floreana Island

We arrived to Floreana in the early hours of the day. Our first outing took us to the oldest mailing system in South America, which started somewhere in the late 1700’s. During our visit to Post Office Bay and its famous mail barrel, some of us discovered several postcards which we will hand deliver once we arrive back home. This is the way this tradition has been preserved for more than 200 years.

Floreana Island is also known as the island of the mysteries. One of which is the unsolved disappearance of a woman, who proclaimed herself the empress of Galápagos along with her favorite lover out of the three that originally came with her. This lady was a baroness and wanted to establish a five star hotel near the Post Office Barrel. She disappeared under strange circumstances, and nobody has solved the mystery. For everyone there are different explanations and theories about this strange case, especially since they never arrived to any other city or country after their disappearance from Floreana. This only means that the bodies of the baroness and her lover are still somewhere on Floreana Island.

We went snorkeling, kayaking, and walking through a deciduous Palo Santo forest, which has started to loose its leaves, announcing the arrival of the dry cold season and the end of the rain. We encountered some courting flamingoes, diamond sting rays, golden rays and even mating spotted eagle rays. This memorable afternoon ended with a gorgeous sunset.