Floreana Island

To visit the Galápagos is unlike any other experience one has ever had. Today we had the great opportunity to observe the marine diversity of Champion Islet; lots of species including sea urchins, sea stars, sea lions and much more were part of what we enjoyed during our morning snorkeling outing.

It was fabulous to find the Floreana Mockingbird during our Zodiac ride; this is an endangered species that was observed very close from the Zodiacs, and even with the smallest cameras we were able to take great shots of this bird.

It is also worth mentioning that a great blue heron was caught hunting, and for a while it seemed as though it was not succeeding, but all of a sudden it jumped on the water and grabbed a very large fish, one that we thought would be too large to swallow! It turned out that after four minutes of carrying it in its beak, the heron finally decided to open its large beak and it was gone! That was amazing!

The rest of the day was passed with a large diversity of activities; while some were relaxing on the sky deck, others were pleasantly kayaking with one of our guides, Ernesto.

The few clouds covering the path were well welcomed by our guests, as we walked the shores of Floreana during the late afternoon. The greater flamingoes resting on a brackish water lagoon were definitely adding color to the landscape.

As the sun started to set on the horizon, the relaxed afternoon settled with a cocktail hour in the lounge of the ship, and great highlights for us to share with each other.