Floreana Island

Last night we had a bit of “motion” during our long navigation – but most of us slept well anyway, after our busy day on Southern Isabela. This morning we sent two pangas of guests into Post Office Bay. We walked up a crescent beach where a famous wooden barrel is located, and we sorted through a stack of post cards and took those that we could take personally and hand deliver to the address on the card.

On the way back to the ship, three humpback whales were spotted feeding nearby. So, we went there. What a sighting we had of these baleen whales! They kept feeding near us and as there was a baby with them they were surfacing more frequently giving us great photo opportunities.

Then it was time to reposition the ship for snorkeling around Champion Islet. We entered the water behind the island and swam along those gorgeous cliffs full of fish life; we saw big schools of king angel fish, Creole fish and chubs. Someone spotted a white-tipped reef shark under a ledge; some others sting rays at the bottom. It was Champion islet at its best.

But, the Galápagos sea lion was the highlight of the outing; they were spinning their bodies full speed down and up gracefully passing among us. What fabulous morning!

In the afternoon we kayaked and then walked to the brackish flamingo lagoon behind the greenish olivine beach at Punta Cormorant. The kids spent an hour playing in the surf and watching some curious young sea lions. Later on we hiked across to a beach of fine white sand where sea turtles nest. It was a lovely and peaceful afternoon and we returned to the ship as the sun was setting among the low gray clouds common during the garua season.