Española Island

Our last day in the Galápagos Islands was just as good as our first experience; that tells a lot about this tiny archipelago located in the middle of nowhere, six hundred miles away from mainland Ecuador, its rightful owner.

Our experience on the island of Española gave us surprises not found anywhere in our previous days, such as the Española lava lizards, Española mockingbirds and of course the lovely waved albatross, which is an endemic species found during our afternoon visit.

The morning was very enjoyable and as expected, full of activities. Some of our guests that wanted to experience it all decided to snorkel, kayak and on top of it spent time on a lovely beach that had millions of sea lions, well… maybe I am exaggerating just a bit, but we did see at least a few hundred, which was probably enough!

Our afternoon expedition had not only the encounter of new species, but a lovely touch of wisdom acquired during our seven days in the Galápagos. The landscapes were breathtaking, and by the time we got to the albatross colony, we already had observed so much that everything else seemed like an extra bonus. We all were very happy to find that “Mike” a baby albatross named by some past guests, is healthy and growing rapidly; he will have still another few months to go before he can take off from the island.
In any case, we all feel really blessed by a great week-long experience in the Galápagos, sharing it with adults and children that I am sure will carry the Galápagos in their hearts forever…