Bartolomé & Santiago Islands

What a wonderful day we had today! Early in the morning we had an optional pre-breakfast wake up call to visit Bartolomé Island. Our goal was to reach the summit of this partially barren island to observe the impressive view of the world famous Pinnacle Rock. Three hundred and seventy-two wooden steps later we were at the most impressive landscape view, which took our breath away. Back on board we reunited to have our breakfast and soon after we headed to the beach to practice water activities. Snorkeling from the beach was extremely exciting for many of us were able to see Galápagos sea lions, white-tipped reef sharks and different species of colorful reef fish. We had the thrill of spotting Galápagos penguins underwater. These beautiful marine birds with their fast movements seemed to fly underwater.

We continued to our next destination, James or Santiago Island. After a wet landing on a black beach we hiked a trail loop of about 1.5 miles. We spotted big groups of marine iguanas, Galápagos sea lions and their babies. You can observe a picture of our youngest guests together with marine iguanas, coexistence galore. Puerto Egas on Santiago Island is just indescribable. My dear reader you need to be here to understand it. Many of our guests have read and watched many documentaries and essays about the Galápagos but nothing could ever prepare them to have this closeness, the experience to coexist with animals which have never learned to fear and welcome you to feel one in nature as we once were. Our expedition has just started and we have many more surprises approaching us; we simply can’t wait!