Isabela & Fernandina Islands

We were at the westernmost limit of the Galápagos archipelago, sitting right at the edge of the tectonic plate and sitting right on the hot spot of the archipelago! Deeply did we sigh when we observed the magnificence of the Galápagos shield volcanoes. The magnificence of this area is out of this world.

The morning outings were full of highlights. First of all we crossed the equator and all of our guests limboed under the equatorial line as they turned into Shellbacks from Pollywogs.

Zodiac riding and snorkeling along the shores of the sunken caldera of volcano Ecuador was an unforgettable experience. Mola-Mola, sea turtles, marine iguanas, fur sea lions, sea turtles boobies, pelicans and a lot more took our breath away.

The very early morning whale watching had its results and we all saw two fin whales around our boat.

Fernandina Island in the afternoon shared with us the beauties of its landscape and the pristine habitats were full of incredible wildlife. Penguins and flightless cormorants were there too.