Floreana Island

Just a few hour ago, we were sailing along the ”volcanoes avenue” at the western face of Galápagos. Today it was Floreana’s turn – the most mysterious island, famous due to many people who disappeared here in the past.

The day began visiting the enigmatic Post Office Bay, where a barrel has been witness of many historic events. From the time that Captain Porter used the letters inside to determine the position of the English whalers’ fleet – in order to destroy it – to the time of the baroness with her lovers during the 1930’s, this barrel has seen a lot. Today, our guests had the opportunity to use the same mail system, leaving their postcards inside the barrel and taking others for hand delivering once they return home.

Our guests heard many stories about Galápagos while visiting the “post office,” took many pictures, and hung a wooden poster with the name “Olivia” on it. The most curious went up to the rusty metal pieces behind the barrel, the remains of an old canning factory.

After breakfast, we headed along Champion Islet to enjoy a beautiful Zodiac ride and search for the elusive Floreana mockingbird, whose population was decimated by introduced animals on the main island of Floreana. They found their last refuge in this small islet. We were lucky, because we saw at least eight of them.

Afterwards, we went back to the islet, but this time to snorkel along its coast line; as soon we got in the water, a big white tipped shark swam peacefully through the deepest part. We observed many tropical fish, including a sea turtle, but the main attraction was a group of baby sea lions which played with us during the snorkeling. Our guests were fascinated with them, getting excited each time a sea lion approached them.

In the afternoon, our activities began with kayaking along Punta Cormorant at the same island of Floreana. The sea and the weather were perfect and our guests observed sea turtles, sea lions and the mountains, which thousands of years ago were active volcanoes.

After kayaking, it was time to land. We noticed the color of the beach was green due to the presence of olivine, a semi precious mineral which our guests searched for many minutes, finding many small fragments and understanding how nature can work creating this beautiful place. Behind, the lagoon of flamingos looked empty. Just two of them could be seen in the distance, attracting the attention of our guests, who with their binoculars tried to find any other particularity in the landscape that Punta Cormorant offered.

We walked up to the white sand beach at the other side; there, we observed the bodies of baby sea turtles which couldn’t get up to the sea, probably victims of ghost crabs. In the air, a group of frigate birds fluttered as if identifying a good prey to have for dinner. We walked along the organic white sand beach, feeling it was not too warm at first. Maybe that is one of the reasons sea turtles prefer this for nesting. We observed many nests, and in the water more than one turtle waited for the day’s turn to darkness, so she may abandon the ocean and begin the process of laying eggs in the sand.

It was late and the sunset showed us a magnificent display of colors. There was no “green flash” but this was the last beautiful attraction during this day on my dear island of Floreana.