Española Island

Today we visited the most southeastern part of the archipelago. Española Island, geologically speaking, is the oldest island of the Galápagos. This island was a very good place to finish our expedition in paradise this week. Kayaking, snorkeling with playful sea lions, great food, and the magnificent albatross! Who can ask for more?

The morning started early for our kayakers who were sent to Gardner Island before breakfast. After, our snorkeling took place in a little bay full of fish and sea lions. Someone complained, joking of course, about the poor visibility due to so many fish! Rays and sharks saved the day…

After snorkeling we all went to a beautiful white coralline beach on Gardner Bay known as Gardner Beach. Here you share the space with hundreds of sea lions. Our guests enjoyed walking along the shoreline, swimming and taking more pictures of sea lions. You never get enough pictures of them!

The afternoon was a relaxing one with one of the best hikes of the week. We continued to find new species! At this time of the year, waved albatrosses are feeding their chicks and many were seen flying around us. We saw lava lizards, colorful marine iguanas, and the Española mockingbird as well. A trail full of boulders took us to the Nazca and Blue-footed boobies nesting sites in the vicinity of the famous Española blowhole. We had a day full of adventures and excitement to wrap up our expedition in paradise!