Santa Cruz Island

Today we dropped anchor at Academy Bay, the busiest harbor in Galápagos. We were able to see how the cargo ships transport goods and how some people live in this island. However, the main interest of our landing was to visit the Charles Darwin Research Station. The rearing program for giant tortoises is the most popular visit, and we were happy to be able to go. It was low tide and the roots of the red mangroves were exposed, from the Zodiac we could see their fingerlike branches holding on to the lava rocks in a manner that seemed almost impossible.

We were watching Lonesome George, the famous tortoise from Pinta Island, when all of the sudden some park rangers walked up the steps carrying a giant tortoise from the corral. We learned that this was an individual who had a 90% DNA-match to the Floreana tortoises, previously thought to be extinct. We marveled at the many aspects of conservation and how much effort and time is dedicated to these various programs.

With this event we ended our visit to the Darwin Station, having learned that not all is said and that there is much left to be discovered. The islands and their people continue to live hand in hand. There is a growing community which appreciates and respects this place where they live. Long term programs prove to be very effective when taken seriously with passion and dedication!