Isabela and Fernandina Islands

Dolphins arrived early in the morning to remind us we had arrived to the western realm of Galápagos, where anything is possible. There were no clouds in the sky; it was “baby blue” in coloration, and the seas were calm and turquoise. The northern volcanoes of Isabela were visible to their very summits; we could see Wolf, with its impressive 5,600 feet of elevation, and Ecuador, showing its collapsed caldera and newer lava flows. We crossed the Equator to an even prettier hemisphere where from our Zodiacs we spotted a tropical whale, penguins, cormorants and dozens of turtles.

We snorkeled twice, along Isabela and then Fernandina shorelines and twice we encountered sea turtles underwater. Fernandina, the youngest island of Galápagos, was pure beauty. We felt as if we were transported to the very beginning of time. Once back on board, during sunset, we contemplated a crescent moon and skies painted in light red, orange and yellow.

It was a day for colors, magic; we breathed life, pureness, we were one with the universe.