San Cristobal Island

Punta Pitt is where we took a spectacular hike and a Zodiac ride this morning. The hike is one of the prettiest hikes of the week offering an interesting contrast in the landscape; the beach at Punta Pitt is made of golden sand full of olivine crystal and quartz. As we started the walk down at the beach area a very curious mockingbird welcomed us. In this case he was a special mockingbird and the second type we have seen around the archipelago this cruise. As we started going uphill, the hike took us along a steep tuff trail that seems to be cut out by erosion during intense rainy days. As we gained elevation we arrived at a plateau with barren volcanic appearance. Patches of bright red Sesuvium brought color to the basaltic rocky area. We were very happy to take a closer look at Red-footed boobies.

On the Zodiac ride our group spotted something really unique; a foraging peregrine falcon! This bird is rarely seen in the archipelago. The Zodiac ride took us along the islet and we were surprised to find an abundance of seabirds, particularly interesting were the young red foots that were learning how to fish. These poor creatures were constantly harassed by immature great frigate birds that kept pecking their heads forcing them to take flight and let go of whatever they were trying to catch.

In the afternoon National Geographic Islander sailed towards “Kicker Rock” or “Leon Dormido”; an eroded formation made of palangonite tuff material that is also known as volcanic ash. This cone located off the western coast of San Cristobal Island is a geological icon of the Galápagos. The formation has become a nesting site for many seabird species like Nazca boobies and Noddies.

Snorkeling was not the best but fun enough to have had a chance to see the wonderful sea turtles that have been with us during the entire trip… some of our guests where very excited because they saw a Hammerhead shark along the wall.

As we got back to the ship we prepared to circumnavigate Kicker Rock at sunset — what a perfect way to close our adventure along this enchanted archipelago. We realize that even though we might be leaving Galápagos tomorrow, these islands will never leave us…