San Salvador Island

San Salvador Island gave us the opportunity to enjoy every minute of it with all kinds of different activities.

Espumilla Bay is ideal for an early hike. Its beach, long and golden, shone with the first light of the day. We landed and walked, at a fast pace, through an enchanted forest of Holy trees. It was an opportunity to feel close to nature, we only shared a few words along the trail, as it was a “more walking less talking” option. Then we moved the ship to Buccaneer’s Cove, where youngers explorers learned to drive the Zodiacs while adults enjoyed Zodiac rides or a kayak paddling along these impressive walls of cinder, tuff, and lava that have witnessed the visit of pirates, whalers, and even Charles Darwin himself. The morning was still young when we jumped in the water to encounter sharks and several schools of reef fish. Before noon we still had some time to organize a competition. It was a kayak race, Crew Vs. Guests. Who won? We all did, as it was great fun for everybody, and the island had been generous in good sightings.

In the afternoon there was another opportunity to swim and snorkel, this time off the shore of Puerto Egas. We had a bit of rain, but it did not stop us from continuing with our walk, where we found marine iguanas, sea lions, mockingbirds, herons, and, at the top of a rock, as at the top of the Galápagos food chain, this impressive Galápagos hawk.