Floreana Island

Today we started a little bit earlier than usual for a pre-breakfast walk. Our destination was Cormorant Point at Floreana Island. After a wet landing on a green sand beach created by tiny pieces of olivine mixed with volcanic ashes, we walked through a native forest mainly composed by Palo Santos’s trees; we found a brackish water lagoon with a few Greater flamingos and some shore birds. The air temperature was very enjoyable and the colors were increasing in intensity while the sun was rising on the horizon. We ended on a white coralline sandy beach that is one of the main nesting grounds for the Pacific green sea turtles in Galápagos. After enjoying the peaceful landscape we headed back to the National Geographic Islander. Later in the morning after our breakfast, a Zodiac ride and a deep water snorkeling outing were the activities planned. During the Zodiac ride around Champion Islet we spotted several different species of seabirds and the elusive Charles mockingbird; its population is restricted to this area including the nearby Gardner Islet. Snorkeling along Champion Islet was a great chance to play with many Galápagos sea lions in the water. These wonderful creatures with their acrobatics maneuvers and quick turns amazed everyone under water.

In the afternoon kayaking, Zodiac riding, and a short visit to the Post Office Bay were the activities completed. Kayaking and the Zodiac rides took place in the same area, close to a sea lion colony. During the ride a few species of herons and egrets were seen as well as a couple of Galápagos penguins; we had a wonderful time while the sun was setting and the sky was painted with bright colors.

Our day finished with a short visit to the Post Office Barrel, where everybody had the chance to keep this old tradition alive by dropping off our own mail and then collecting others’ with the promise to hand deliver it as whalers did in the 1800’s. What an interesting way of ending another day on the Enchanted Islands.