Floreana Island

Today we got up before breakfast to have an incredible hike at Cormorant point. The sky was grey and the light garua blew gently over our eyelashes. This mist is what makes these islands ‘enchanted.’ The walk led us to a flamingo lagoon, where we had the chance to see them few feet away. After breakfast, we headed out in our Zodiacs to ride by Champion Island, where we looked for the elusive Floreana mockingbirds.

Before lunch we had the opportunity to snorkel along a very busy reef, where we saw dense schools of fish and experience a strong current taking us on a drift. It felt like flying, yet more exciting with so much life around us.

In the afternoon, we got to drop our mail at an old wooden barrel, hoping it will be hand delivered to the recipient, as the tradition goes, by another visitor of this island. We heard about whaling vessels arriving to these islands and also about a failed attempt of a couple to live like Robinson Crusoe in Eden, right here on this dry and hostile extinct volcano. Without modern technology it would not be possible for humans to live on Floreana, or on any of the other Galápagos Islands for that sake, which only drives you to respect more the true and righteous inhabitants here, the incredible fauna and flora of the islands.