Bartholomew & Rábida Islands

Last night we arrived to Bartholomew Island and early in the morning we went ashore to climb to the top of a large cinder cone. To reach our goal, we used a wooden staircase with 372 steps. We did this to have the chance to see with our own eyes the most famous view of the archipelago. The view from the top was outstanding as we could see several islands of the central realm; we were very lucky as the sky was clear and the islands had no clouds on top of them.

After our climb, we returned aboard for breakfast and to get our snorkeling gear. Later, we explored the underwater world of the archipelago, some of our guests snorkeled with sharks, and several species of fish.

After such an amazing snorkeling outing we returned to our ship and headed to our afternoon’s destination: the island of Rábida. As we dropped anchor we got ready to go on different activities such as kayaking along the cliffs of Rábida, excursions to the beach and snorkeling from our Zodiacs in deep waters.

After all these activities we went for a walk along the coast and spotted several sea lions just returning ashore after hunting. In the final hours of the afternoon, we delighted in the incredible sunset colors we had from the shore.