Punta Pitt & Leon Dormida, San Cristobal Island

This morning we dropped anchor off the rugged cliffs of Punta Pitt on the northern tip of San Cristobal Island while we were enjoying a hearty breakfast. We disembarked to a wide, soft beach under gray skies, misty garua and a stiff cool breeze, but as has happened often this week, soon the clouds blew off and the sun shone through. The morning hike took us up a steep ravine and out onto a wide plateau. The views were gorgeous – dramatic cliffs, red sesuvium mat plants and green-gray shrubs framed behind by the azure ocean and frothy waves. We spied a whale mother-calf pair and watched them spout and dive in the distance; they appeared to be Bryde’s whales.

We were delighted to find numerous red-footed boobies, of both the white and gray color phases, perched in the shrubs and flying overhead. Some were just at the final stages of nesting and there were many juveniles around. Indeed at this site we saw all three booby species: red-footed, blue-footed and Nazca! All of us saw the notably different looking lava lizards and some of us saw the mockingbird. Both of these species – the San Cristobal lava lizard and San Cristobal mockingbird - are endemic to this island and are found no were else in the world.

Back down at the beach some of us enjoyed a swim and others a chance to relax on the warm sand before returning to the ship (several of us were reluctant to leave the beautiful beach and return to the ship!). I took a group of guests out with panguero Ricky for a Zodiac cruise along the coast. We, too, saw all three species of boobies, along with many other sea bird species, feeding marine iguanas, and two very friendly sea lions that escorted us and were tempted to nibble at my feet. A lovely morning was had by all!

We navigated south for the afternoon’s visit at the impressive, eroded tuff cone of Leon Dormido. We had hoped for good snorkeling conditions yet again, but unfortunately the currents were strong and the water was green and murky. Some of us saw sharks and that made our day – but after having such fabulous clarity all week long, we have been spoiled.

Back on board we circumnavigated Leon Dormido and admired the sheer cliffs and many sea birds aglow in the golden late afternoon sun. Our Captain set course to Puerto Baquerizo Moreno where we will anchor and after dinner and have a chance to explore this charming small town. We have had a memorable week; excellent company, fabulous weather and amazing wildlife experiences! These “islas encantadas” are magic, indeed.