Bartolomé & Rabida Island

This morning we started our day right before sunrise. Our mission was to get to the highest point at Bartolomé Island, during this time of the day the colors are very soft and magical. The landscape is probably one of the most photographed places in Galápagos for its amazing view and its impressive geological formation, Bartolomé is also known as an open text book in geology, because when our visitors get to this point they have a better understanding of the Galápagos Archipelago formation.

Due to its location this place is very dry, but this morning we saw some pioneer species colonizing and creating better conditions for future colonizers to come. These species were able to adapt to completely different conditions millions of year ago. We also had an opportunity to snorkel at one of Bartolomé’s beaches with; Galápagos sea lions, sharks, rays, lots of fish and Galápagos penguins, which are the third smallest penguins on our planet.

For the afternoon we continued exploring our marine world while other guests preferred to explore the same area, but on board our kayaks in an area where blue-footed boobies and pelicans were plunge diving for fish, while turtles were popping their heads out of the water for breathing. About an hour before sunset we disembarked on a red sandy beach to see Galápagos sea lions interacting with each other, as we enjoyed seeing the sun disappear in the horizon.

It was a day full of memories and emotions here in the Enchanted Archipelago.