Espanola Island

Today we spent the whole day in two visitor sites on the same island. It was amazing to compare how just a few miles apart the whole island’s structure changes. In the morning we start with a pre-breakfast activity on board our kayaks, and took the early risers to an impressive geological formation where they had the opportunity to explore the coast line. This area is a good resting spot for blue footed and Nazca boobies. We also spotted one of the most abundant mockingbirds in Galapagos, the Espanola mockingbird, which lives only on this island. Along the cliffs we also enjoyed seeing giant prickly pear cactus and many other interesting sightings as well.

Right after breakfast we met with everybody at the sky deck, because we wanted to provide everyone with snorkeling equipment. We sent two Zodiacs for deep water snorkeling with sea lions, turtles and a lot of fish in crystal blue waters, while some other were sent to the beach for snorkeling lesson to prepare for future water outings.

Before returning back on board we gave everyone an opportunity to walk along the beach with hundreds of sea lions resting, alfa males patrolling their colony and some females nursing their pups.

Before we started our afternoon activities at Punta Suarez, we had a presentation about photography in Galapagos with our photo instructor Aura Banda at the main lounge.

We wanted to provide some basic tools about how to photograph animals in action here in Galapagos. After this afternoon’s activity everyone was very happy for their adventure and the amazing shots they got: blue footed boobies, Nazca boobies, mockingbirds, sea lions, marine iguanas, lizards, hawks, and the famous Darwin finches as well.

This was just our first full day in Galapagos and everyone seems to be already satisfied to be part of this expedition in the enchanted archipelago.