Bartolomé & Rábida Island

Today was our very last day of 2012, and Galapagos couldn’t be a better place to celebrate such an important occasion. Today was also the longest day of the year because we started at 6:30 a.m. and finished at midnight according to our Ecuadorian tradition. Hugs, kisses and best wishes for 2013 came from everyone on board the National Geographic Islander.

The first morning activity was to get to the top of Bartolomé from where we had a 360 degree view. This place is one of the most famous visitor sites in Galapagos for its Geological formation, its spectacular view and the great opportunities for snorkeling off the beach.

After a few hours of navigation over lunch, we arrived to Rabida Island, our finale destination for the afternoon activities. We sent two groups of deep water snorkelers, followed by one group of kayakers. Other guests preferred to disembark on a red sandy beach for snorkeling lessons and get ready for future outings of the week. After this we still had one final activity, half a mile walk along some endemic Galapagos plants and animals.

Due to the Enchanted Archipelago’s location, sunsets and sunrises are very fast here, and this time we were at the right moment to enjoy seeing the sun disappearing in the Pacific Ocean. That was a moment to remember how special our day was together with blue footed boobies, pelicans, sharks, pelicans, turtles, sea lions, mocking birds, flycatchers, penguins and colorful fishes as well.

After a special dinner we met in the sky deck and wait for midnight for wishing everyone a happy new year.