Urbina Bay & Tagus Cove

Today we explore the west side of Isabela Island, one of the Galapagos marvels. As we prepare to head offshore after breakfast, everyone is looking forward to discovering this landscape and creatures. We took off in three different Zodiacs heading to shore to land on a black beach full of turtle’s nests. During our hike we had the chance to see several finches, a juvenile Giant Tortoise and to our surprise some Land Iguanas sunbathing! Then we arrived at an area that looked like another planet, there were huge fossils of Corals and other sea life skeletons making the area a very unique part of the hike.

By noon we were back onboard enjoying the comforts of the National Geographic Islander. We anchored in an area that would be perfect for snorkeling and kayaking. We were also there to find some Flightless Cormorants, Galapagos Penguins, Sea Turtles with other unique creatures of this area, all while we were relaxing in the smoothness and tranquility of such a place. At just the right moment we went to shore for the last time of the day to enjoy a short hike to reach a high point area, in which we were able to see the magnificence of Darwin, Wolf and Equator Volcanoes.

Thanks to all the creatures that appeared at the precise moments for us to have the joy to see them in their natural way, the plants that colonized this areas, the air to keep those birds flying, the water to support all those organisms. Another day goes by in such a wonderful place while the National Geographic Islander raises the anchor to reach other moments in the Galapagos, time goes by.