Floreana Island

Early in the morning we get to visit Punta Cormorant. A wet landing on an olivine beach gets us ready to hike. Along the way we got the chance to see finches, lava lizards and a flamingo in the distance. Then on the opposite side, a white sand beach which has many turtle nests, some of them just made last night. We get to feel the soft, white sand under our feet while exploring the area.

Moving into the Zodiac, we get close to small Champion Island, which holds one of the four species of mockingbirds, the Floreana Mockingbird, along with other birds like, Brow Noddy, Nazca Booby, Blue Footed Booby and some others. Later guests enjoyed snorkeling with big schools of fish until a Sea Lion stole the attention.

Land of Mysteries, Colonization and History, we land on a place where Charles Darwin walked and others before him. The Post Office Beach is the oldest mail system in Latin America. It has been in operation since about 1792, back then it could take several months for letters to arrive at their destination. Now, it’s sometimes faster than common mail systems.

From the beach we had the opportunity to get into the kayaks for an excursion along the shore to experience the unique coastline of this place - to feel the calmness of the water, birds flying, sea lions swimming bay, the air.

Suddenly the sun sets in the horizon giving a spectacle of colors and that’s how another day goes by.