San Cristobal Island

After navigating all night we arrive to Punta Pitt located at northeastern side of San Cristobal Island. After breakfast time we start the planned activities with a Zodiac ride along the coast. We found red-footed boobies, frigate birds, a blue footed booby and also sea lions swimming.

Then we had a wet landing on a golden sandy beach to get ready to climb up a long and steep natural entrance formed by the erosion of water during the rainy season in the Galapagos, which ranges from February to June though every year fluctuates. There is an extraordinary view from the volcanic formations, some parts covered with red and green vegetation. We found a red-footed booby nesting and some others flying in the strong winds of this place. Then after the walk we go back to the landing beach for good swimming to relax, and found some sea lions resting.

By the afternoon time we went for a last deep water snorkel at Kicker Rock. Today snorkeling was extraordinary as our guests had the chance to see colorful schools of fish, barnacles, starfish, white tipped reef sharks and some juvenile hummer heads. We also found a spotted eagle ray along with some turtles swimming by. We came back aboard to circumnavigate around Kicker Rock as the sun was disappearing under the horizon, giving a nice orange coloration to the clouds.

This expedition has come to an end; all the experiences and fascinating moments are already within you. As long as you wish you can close your eyes and revive those moments and Galapagos will come back to you.