Floreana Island

We entered the calm waters of Post Office Bay early this morning. We went to look inside a wooden barrel, there letters and postcards wait to be hand delivered. We found a few of those letters to continue with this ancient tradition; this began sometime in the late 1700’s by whalers, we are the living proof that traditions like this can be continued for a long time to come. As we walked away to get back on board, we found a small group of juvenile scalloped hammerhead sharks looking for food along the shores of Post Office Bay. This was a very exciting finding because we haven’t got yet the chance to observe such beautiful animals. So we left the bay to head towards Champion Islet where we snorkeled along its walls; we found several species of fish in large schools, Galápagos sea lions, which playfully accompanied us while contorting their graceful bodies, and one of the best chances to see colorful marine invertebrates.

For the afternoon we walked along the coast of Punta Cormorant; this area has some of the most beautiful landscapes and one of the best opportunities to find greater flamingoes in their natural habitat. As we approached the end of our walk we found the nesting area of sea turtles. The nesting season is over and it seems that some of the nests have already hatched; we found many frigate birds flying low and some even looked as if they were picking up something from the turtle nests, and fighting over it.

This was a great day and we are now very excited and eager to see tomorrow’s island.