San Cristobal

This is the island you first see as you fly into the Galápagos because it is the closest to the mainland and one of the oldest of the group. It has many attractions around it, beautiful beaches with different types of sand, interesting wildlife, and an outstanding landscape. Punta Pitt is the place where we spend our morning doing some activities, like hiking up a hill entirely made of volcanic ash which forms as the ascending lava meets water. The trail is almost all naturally formed as rain water runs downhill after precipitation, especially during El Nino events. Two species of animals are found only here so they have the name of the island as first name, the San Cristobal lava lizard and the San Cristobal mockingbird, among Darwin’s first sightings during his visit in 1835.

We reach the top of hill to enjoy an incredible view of the area, the beach with sea lions. Birds fly around doing all sort of calls, diving like crazy, collecting nesting material and others just watching us go.

The end of the trail is so spectacular due to the mostly red-orange vegetation called Portulaca, and around the area we find the nesting of the red footed-boobies, some sitting in the nests, others just starting with this business. We could take very good pictures of them, they are so beautiful.

At our return to the beach we met the sea lions again, and again we were captivated by their friendship, elegance and beauty. Just being close to them is worth the trip, they can just change the way we see the animals all over the world, some of which are not given the respect they deserve.

We spent about an hour watching a newborn pup trying to reach mom for affection and some milk, so touching moments, moments that will stay in our retinas for ages.

The afternoon arrived and we were at a different location, Kicker Rock, an outstanding monument of creational volcanic force in the middle of nowhere that rises several feet above the water and is a place where birds can rest, sleep and nest.

The water around is an invitation to enjoy the Galápagos underwater realm, full of fascinating life, turtles all over, and sharks of different sorts. Sharks here are mostly friendly creatures, easily approached, and swimming here with them makes us forget the fear for the way we have wrongly built them up. Galápagos sharks, black tip reef sharks, white tip reef sharks and others, just underneath our feet, were an amazing experience, especially for those which are afraid of them. Also an elegant eagle ray came to give us moments of joy with their beauty.

The end of the day came with the sun going down the horizon, us on the ship circumnavigating the rock taking pictures of landscape, birds and us.

Wonderful day in the Galápagos.