Northern Isabela and Fernandina Island

Early this morning we arrived at Northern Isabela Island. Around this area we looked at the northern volcanoes of this island and also searched the area for marine life. This morning there were several Galápagos petrels as well as Galápagos fur seals returning from their nocturnal hunting trip. We crossed the Equator after breakfast and later on we had a Zodiac ride along the cliffs of Ecuador volcano. This was a very successful ride due to the large number of green sea turtles; there were also marine iguanas, sea lions and penguins; the weather conditions were just perfect. The water was very clear and full of life. We returned aboard and went on an amazing snorkeling outing with sea turtles; this was quite an unforgettable experience.

After a calm navigation we arrived at Fernandina Island. This is the youngest island in the archipelago and is where we found large groups of Galápagos marine iguanas. From the moment we landed on Punta Espinoza, until we left, we were surrounded by all kinds of animals.

This month female Galápagos sea lions are giving birth, so we saw several new born pups; males in contrast are beginning to establish territories and a couple were barking in their own regions. One of the most interesting species to find in this area is the Galápagos flightless cormorant; this afternoon we were lucky to spot a few along the coast. As the sun began to set, we left Fernandina Island and its unique creatures.