South Plaza and Santa Fe


Our fifth expedition day in the Galápagos was a success. We visited two islands and took part in a great number of activities that helped us to maximize our experience in the archipelago.


South Plaza Island was our morning’s visiting site. It is a very small island, but there was a lot to see. A large population of land iguanas walking among us and a flowering cactus forest surrounding us made our hike very special. Finally, we got the chance to see one of the most important land reptiles, the land iguana. All were very active feeding.


In the afternoon we arrived to Santa Fe Island, one of the three oldest Galápagos Islands. It is about four million years old, therefore it has a high degree of endemism. Our guests were offered kayaking, deep water snorkeling, a long and a short hike. The weather conditions for all activities were perfect. During deep water snorkeling we saw big schools of fish and sea turtles, but most of the diversity of species was on land. For the very first time in the week, we could see the endemic Santa Fe land iguana, an endemic variety of racer snake, and a short eared owl.


We continued visiting the Enchanted Islands and all guests are looking forward to what is coming next!