Floreana Island

The sky was a little overcast; however, we stared our day earlier in the morning to visit one of the most mysterious places in the entire archipelago, where people died, disappeared, and were poisoned. This site was used in the 17th and 18th centuries by pirates, buccaneers, whalers, seal hunters, as a place to supply fresh water and fresh meat, which consisted of hundreds of giant tortoises taken from the island as food supply for their long voyages. In 1793 one of the whalers called James Colnett desired to set a wooden barrel as a mail box that all kinds of vessels could use to deliver their mail. This place was very popular among those people; today that box has been replaced several times, and is still used, but only by visitors from all over the world to send postcards without any stamps, and the place is called Post Office Bay.

After this visit, we weighed anchor to reposition the ship to a beautiful little satellite islet off Floreana coast, where our guests had the possibility to enjoy the most spectacular snorkeling site where we saw sea turtles, sea lions, sharks, rays, and countless numbers of multicolored tropical fish.

In the late afternoon we visited Punta Cormorant, to see those beautiful greater flamingoes, and enjoy this unique place decorated with fascinating landscape, and to finish this day with a spectacular sunset.