Bartolomé Island

We decided not to have breakfast until that mountain was conquered! Bartolomé Island is a geological paradise. You can find nearly every feature regarding volcanic eruptions. We climbed up the island on brown lava with lots of volcanic craters everywhere. It was a hot humid morning. Once back on board we deserved a delicious breakfast and went back to Bartolomé, this time for the beach with a wet landing and a short walk exploring the other side of the island, a golden-sandy beach with lots of ghost crabs and sea birds. Then we returned to the water on the west side. The highlights of the place were many, but I particularly enjoyed snorkeling with sea lions and the beautiful schools of colourful tropical fish till noon time.

Our second expedition was a real adventure starting with a wet landing on a wave-strewn beach where our skilled dinghy men brought us safely. Then we continued with a long walk on James Island along the rocky shore doing bird watching and observing marine iguanas and sea lions all around, great weather and just the perfect conditions to end up an excellent day and a perfect week!